Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Genetic Optimizers

Imagine something powerful enough to solve all the problems inherent in the creation of a human being. That something surely represents the ultimate in problem solving and optimization. What is it? It is the familiar process of evolution.
Genetic optimizers endeavor to harness some of that incredible problem-
solving power through a crude simulation of the evolutionary process. In
terms of overall performance and the variety of problems that may be solved, there is no general-purpose optimizer more powerful than a properly crafted genetic one.

Genetic optimizers are Stochastic optimizers in the sense that they take advantage of random chance in their operation. It may not seem believable that tossing dice can be a great way to solve problems, but, done correctly, it can be!
In addition to randomness, genetic optimizers employ selection and recombination.

The clever integration of random chance, selection, and recombination is responsible for the genetic optimizer’s great power. A full discussion of genetic algorithms, which are the basis for genetic optimizers, appears in Part II.
Genetic optimizers have many highly desirable characteristics.

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